SOBRE TODO DE NOCHE Foremost by Night Original Motion Picture Soundtrack



Foremost by Night

Original Motion Picture Soundtrack

Director Victor Iriarte

Music by Maite Arroitajauregi

Label Plaza Mayor Company Ltd


Cinema on 1st December

Goya Nominations

Exploring the issue of stolen children in Spain, the plot tracks Vera’s search for her biological son, givn in adoption, thereby coming across Cora and her adoptive son Egoz.

Sobre Todo De Noche Ost on Spotify

"Lately I think of this film as if it were a musical score: it begins with a Bernard Herrmann / Hitchcock style opening and then moves forward into road movie mode. And there's Maite Arroitajauregi's music, accompanying us on the journey: with its choirs, landscapes, dances, electronics and pianos, all the way to the banks of the Douro River.

This is a film noir with three deaths, two robberies, and a runaway. And it is Maite's music that sets the tempo, the heart, of this story of violence and love".

Víctor Iriarte, director

Sobre Tode De Noche Ost on Apple Music

“Foremost by night” is a very musical film, not because of the amount of music displayed in the film,  but because the history has a very specific rhythm at a narrative level: there are choreographies, there are gestures that configure a very specific, very marked cadence. That attracted me a lot to this project, the challenge of musically squaring that pulse of the film.


I have had the feeling that music tells a story and not necessarily the story we see on the screen, it is something that had not happened to me before, being able to tell the film from my own, personal angle. In terms of style, it is a very unorthodox soundtrack where they merge choir pieces, contemporary pieces and more classic ones, which go back to film noir and Bernard Herrmann´s spirit.

 Maite Arroitajauregi, Composer of the soundtrack

Sobre Todo De Noche on Soundcloud


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