Mission Control: The Unsung Heroes of Apollo (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)

Mission Control: The Unsung Heroes of Apollo
(Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
Director David Fairhead
Stars: John Aaron, Stephen Bales, Jerry Bostick…
Music by Chris Roe
Label Plaza Mayor Company Ltd

At the heart of the Apollo program was the special band of brothers in Mission Control. The feature documentary film Mission Control: The Unsung Heroes of Apollo tells their stories, describing the rural homesteads and smokestack towns they came from, and the remarkable team they became. The film consists of interviews with those who worked in Mission Control and astronauts, enhanced by extraordinary archive, stunning VFX and an original orchestral score. The film covers the first journeys to the moon by Apollo 8 and Apollo 11, and the huge effort required to save the crew of Apollo 13. 

Notes from composer Chris Roe

Blending the orchestra with vintage synthesisers, the soundtrack to Mission Control: Unsung Heroes of Apollo (nominated for the Music and Sound Awards 2018) is an emotional rollercoaster, capturing the nerves, intense focus and brief moments of elation felt by the ‘guys on the ground’ in NASA’s Apollo era. However, alongside the unfolding drama of the Apollo missions, the real focus of this film is on the camaraderie and loyalty of this closely-knit team, and throughout the soundtrack the warm glow of American folk music reflects their personal stories.

1. Grave Danger
2. Problem Solving
3. Mississippi
4. Test Pilots
5. Sputnik
6. Gemini
7. Fire 
8. We Will Rebuild
9. Trans-Lunar Injection
10. Genesis
11. The Heartbeat
12. Lunar Landing
13. Tranquility Base
14. The Team


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