The Alex Hiele Paris Jazz Combo – Album “I Love Paris” A Cole Porter new vision

The Alex Hiele Paris Jazz Combo
Album “I Love Paris”
A Cole Porter new vision…
Cd Digital & Cd Physical
Label Plaza Mayor Company Ltd
The Orchard

Alexandre Hiele
Leader arranger and bassist of the group the Alex Hiele Paris Jazz Combo

Alexandre Hiele is born in Paris and has participated in the scene of the Parisian Jazz of the years 90/2000
With Mina Agossi, Marley Chinnery, the Slang Collective, Bruno Angelini and also American musicians, Mark Turner, Georges Brown, Ronnie Paterson, Ted Curson and also Russian such as Alexei Aigues and Japanese, Ichiro Onoe, he regularly frequents the Jam sessions of the time, such as, the Studio of the Islettes, the Fallaises, the vault of the dungeon, the Petit Opportin, and plays in the Parisian clubs regularly, Sunset, Duc des Lombards, New morning, Franc Pineau, the 7 Lizardmen, then turns in Europe, in the states United States and Africa. In 2005, he Emigre in the United States and set up in Philadelphia, he begin his career to zero and played in the Philadelphia and New York clubs as side
man now has his own band titled The Alex Hiele Paris Jazz Combo and has just been writing Arrangement on the music of Cole Porter on CD which is called I LOVE PARIS.
His group regularly occurs in the clubs and cultural center of Philadelphia
and its region.

Alexandre Hiele
Leader arrangeur et contrebassiste du groupe The Alex Hiele Paris Jazz Combo
Alexandre Hiele est ne a Paris et a participe a la scene du Jazz Parisien des annees 90/2000
Avec Mina Agossi, Mederic Colignon, Le Collectif Slang, Bruno Angelini et egalement des musiciens americains, Mark Turner, Georges Brown, Ronnie Paterson, Ted Curson et egalement Russe tel que Alexei Aigui et japonais ,Ichiro Onoe ,Il frequente regulierement les Jam sessions de l'epoque, tel que ,Le Studio des Islettes ,Les Fallaises, Le caveau des oubliettes, Le Petit Opportin ,et joue dans les clubs parisiens regulierement, Sunset, Duc Des Lombards, New Morning, Franc Pineau, les 7 Lezards, puis tourne en Europe,  aux Etats Unis et en Afrique .En 2005, il Emigre Aux Etats Unis et a Philadelphie ,Il recommence sa carrière a zéro et joue dans les clubs de Philadelphie et de New York en tant que side a maintenant son propre groupe intitule The Alex Hiele Paris Jazz Combo et viens d'ecrire des arrangement sur la musique de Cole Porter sur cd qui s'appelle I LOVE PARIS.
Son groupe se produit regulierement dans les clubs et centre culturels de Philadelphie
et de sa region
1. LOVE FOR SALE, 5.52", (Cole Porter) , Steve Rice:Piano,Jim Stagnitto:Trumpet,Alex Hiele:Bass,David Stier:drums
2 .WHAT IS THIS THING CALLED LOVE, 5'01",(Cole Porter),Steve Rice:Piano
Jim Stagnitto:trumpet,Alex Hiele:bass,David Stier:Drums
3. I'VE GOT YOU UNDER MY SKIN,4'23",(Cole Porter),Steve Rice:Piano,Jim Stagnitto:Trumpet
Alex Hiele:Bass,David Stier:Drums
4. NIGHT AND DAY,5'48",(Cole Porter),Steve Rice:Piano,Jim Stagnitto:Trumpet
Alex Hiele:Bass,David Stier:Drums
5. I LOVE YOU, 6'07",(Cole Porter),Steve Rice:Piano,Jim Stagnitto:Trumpet,Alex Hiele,Bass
David Stier:Drums
6. EVERYTIME WE SAY GOODBYE, 7'25",(Cole Porter),Steve Rice:Piano,Jim Stagnitto:Trumpet,Alex Hiele:Bass,David Stier:Drums
7. JUST ONE OF THOSE THINGS, 10'"21 ,(Cole Porter),Steve Rice:Piano,Alex Hiele:Bass
David Stier:Drums
8 .I LOVE PARIS 6'16"(Cole Porter) Steve Rice:Piano,Alex Hiele,Bass,David Stier:Drums
9. YOU"D BE SO NICE TO COME HOME TO, 4'10"(Cole Porter)
10. I GET AKICK OUT OF YOU ,5'04",(Cole Porter) Steve Rice:Piano,Jim Stagnitto:Trumpet,Alex Hiele,Bass
David Stier:Drums

The Alex Hiele Paris Jazz Combo Cd Digital & Cd Physical on Itunes


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