MUSICA SANCTA Best Chant from Jerusalem Monastery Les plus beaux chants monastiques de terre sainte

Best Chant from Jerusalem Monastery
Les plus beaux chants monastiques de terre sainte

-        Musica Sancta 1 – Saint Mark Syriak Convent Choir – Album “The Offering of the Apostles” 

La petite communaute Syrienne Orthodoxe de Jerusalem peut a juste titre se vanter d'etre l'heritiere de l'Eglise des Apotres. Utilisant un dialecte arameen quasiment identique a celui que parlaient Jesus et ses disciples; ayant conserve, a travers deux millenaires d'epreuves, nombre d'elements judeo-chretiens, particulierement dans sa liturgie, cette eglise heroique nous renvoie l'image la plus fidele possible des premieres generations chretiennes.
The small Syrian Orthodox community of Jerusalem may rightly claim to be the heir of the first Church of the Apostles.
Using a dialect of Aramaic almost identical with the language spoken by Jesus and his disciples, and having kept, through two millenaria of trials, many Judaeo-Christian elements, particularly in liturgy, this heroic Church provides us the closest possible image of the first Christian generations.
“In memoriam
This collection was produced in the Holy Land by Yves Touati and Israel David who no longer are with us, may their souls rest in peace”

–  Musica Sancta 2 – Moines du Monastere Saint Jean-du-Desert – Album”Deploration; Funerailles du Christ” 

Le Monastere Grec-Catholique de Saint Jean-du-Desert est a la fois l'un des plus beaux sites de Terre Sainte et un lieu oecumenique renomme.
A l'ecart de toutes les modes, il a entrepris depuis plusieurs annees un travail pionnier d'adaptation de la musique byzantine en francais. Son choeur monastique ne recherche pas tant la maitrise vocale que l'authenticite spirituelle.
The Grec Catholic Monastery of Saint John in the Desert is both a renowned ecumenical place and one of the most beautiful sites in the Holy Land.
Independently from any fashion, it has for several years pioneered in adapting Byzantine music to the French language. The goal of their monastic ensemble is less vocal virtuosity than spiritual authenticity.
“In memoriam
This collection was produced in the Holy Land by Yves Touati and Israel David who no longer are with us, may their souls rest in peace”

-        Musica Sancta 3 – Saint Macarius Monastery Choir – Album “Night Vigil in the Desert”
Le Monastere Copte de Saint Macaire est l'un des rares endroits au moinde a pouvoir se prevaloir d'une continuite monastique quasiment ininterrompue depuis le quatrieme siecle. Aujourd'hui, une communaute de 120 membres occupe cette citadelle monastique, veritable oasis dans le desert, au sens litteral comme spirituel.
L'une des nombreuses realisations de ce monastere, qui joue un role capital dans le renouveau actuel de l'Eglise d'Egypte, est la restauration de l'ancien chant liturgique Copte, l'une des traditions musicales les plus antiques et originale dans le monde.
The Coptic Monastery of St Macarius is one of the few places in the world which can boast of having a permanent monastic presence since the fourth century. Today a 120 member community dwells in this impressive monastic fortress, both an ecological and a spiriutal oasis in the desert, which has a leading part in the Coptic Church's renewal.
One of its many achievements is the restoration of traditional Coptic singing, one of the mos ancient and original musical form in the world.
“In memoriam
This collection was produced in the Holy Land by Yves Touati and Israel David who no longer are with us, may their souls rest in peace”

-        Musica Sancta 4 – Sisters at the Monastery of the Assomption at Bet Gemal – Album “A Voice of Deep Silence”

Le Monastere de l'Assomption a Bet Gemal est une communaute contemplative de soeurs dont le but est l'adoration incessante, avec la Vierge Mariem de la Tres Sainte Trinite et de la Presence du Christ dans son Eucharistie.
Les soeurs de ce Monastere, qui s'inspire de l'organisation des laures orientales, vivent dans le silence et la priere, loin de tout regard humain.
Leurs celebrations liturgiques, qui utilisent les langues locales, s'inspirent de la tradition Chretienne Orientale. Leur chant n'est rien d'autre qu'une expression de leur contemplation.
The Monastery of the Assumption in Bet Gemal is a contemplative community of sisters whose purpose is to adore unceasingly the Most Holy Triity and the Presence of Christ in his Eucharist, with the Virgin Mary.
Inspired by the organisation of the eastern Lavras, they live in silence and prayer, hidden from all human gaze.
Their liturgical celebrations follow the Eastern Christian tradition and are celebrated in the local languages. Their chant is but an expression of their contemplation.
“In memoriam
This collection was produced in the Holy Land by Yves Touati and Israel David who no longer are with us, may their souls rest in peace”

-        Music Sancta 5 – Chœur du Monastere Hagia Maria Sion – Album “Heures quotidiennes de la louange eternelle

La communaute Benedictine qui vit a l'Abbaye de "Hagia Maria Sion" plus connue sous le nom de "Dormition", prolonge une tradition de priere en un endroit qui fut un haut-lieu spirituel tant pour les premieres generations judeo-chretiennes que pour les byzantins.
En profonde resonance avec le mystere auquel l'eglise est dediee, celui de la glorieuse Assomption de la Vierge Marie, les moines y temoignent de l'irruption de l'eternite dans le temps.
The Benedictine community living at Hagia Maria Zion Abbey, better known as the "Dormition", is carrying forward a tradition of prayer in a site which was central both for the first Judeo-Christian generations and for the Byzantines.
In concert with the mystery to which the church is dedicated, the glorious Assumption of the Virgin Mary, the monks witness here the irruption of eternity into time.
“In memoriam
This collection was produced in the Holy Land by Yves Touati and Israel David who no longer are with us, may their souls rest in peace” 

-        Music Sancta 6 – Musica Sancta – Album “Musica Sancta The Collection »
MUSICA SANCTA est la seule collection presentant la totalite des traditions liturgiques anciennes que l'on peut trouver a Jerusalem.
Elle reflete ainsi la richesse musicale et spirituelle d'une variete ecclesiale qui est est sans equivalent ailleurs dans le monde.
Ces voix de communautes vivantes, et non d'ensembles professionnels, permettent de livrer aux auditeurs un authentique echo de la Pentecote.

MUSICA SANCTA is the only collection offerin all ancient Christian liturgical traditions represented in Jerusalem. It reflects the musical and spiritual riches of an ecclesial variety which is not to be found anywhere else in the world.
This voice of living communities, rather than of professional ensembles, provides the listener an echo of Pentecost.
Collection released by Yves Touati and Emmanuel Chouraqui


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