THE WARDEN (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)

THE WARDEN (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) Director Nima Javidi Music composed by Ramin Kousha Label Plaza Mayor Company Ltd Distribution The Orchard A prison is about to be evacuated to make room for an airport expansion project. Colonel Jahed and his officers are busy transferring all inmates to the new facility, but one inmate is missing. The Warden (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) on Spotify R amin Kousha is an Iranian-raised, Los Angeles based composer. Classically trained from the age of six Ramin has developed wide technical backgrounds with an expertise in unique artistic approaches including electronic and orchestral. His music is heard in numerous projects covering a variety of formats such as feature films, documentaries, TV series, and video games. Shortly after learning music theory and performing piano in various orchestras, Ramin realized his passion for composing. This eventually led him to study and work for the well-known Iranian cla...