
Showing posts from July, 2018

"I AM NOT AN EASY MAN" (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)

"I AM NOT AN EASY MAN" (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) Director Eleonore Pourriat Cast: Lucie Leclerc, Vincent Elbaz... Music composed by Fred Avril Featuring: Ruppert Pupkin, Shaka Ponk.... Label Plaza Mayor Company Ltd Distribution The Orchard I AM NOT AN EASY MAN (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) on Itunes « La musique m ’ a accompagn é e à tous les stades de la fabrication du film. Des morceaux m ’ ont pr ê t é leur rythme d è s l ’é criture pour trouver le juste tempo de chaque s é quence, certains sont rest é s, la reprise de Lo Fang par exemple a conditionn é la narration de la sc è ne de club, d ’ autres, comme Choir de Perfume Genius, se sont impos é s au montage, surgissant comme la voix int é rieure des protagonistes, tandis que d ’ autres encore, comme la chanson de Ruppert Pupkin, Viens , ont é t é compos é s sp é cialement pour le film. J ’ ai é galement voulu jouer avec les codes de la masculinit é et de la f é minit...

Youku and Migu Video Post Viewing Numbers From This Year’s World Cup

As France won its second World Cup after beating Croatia on July 15, Chinese video streamers are also busy celebrating their soaring viewership. Migu Video,  a subsidiary of state-owned telecommunication  giant China Mobile, announced on Weibo that the Word Cup matches received more 4.3 billion views in total and more than 200 million views of the final game. Alibaba backed-Youku, the other of the two platforms that had the right to stream the World Cup matches, reported more than 180 million users, 14 percent of China’s population, watched the game during the period and 24 million watched final in a press release. Neither of these numbers has been confirmed by a third party. However, these two platforms didn’t broadcast the game live directly from Russia. These two platforms cooperated with CCTV-5, the sports channel of the China Central Television family of networks. CCTV-5 is the sole broadcaster of all FIFA games in China between 2018 and 2022. Thus, when watch...

SPITFIRE (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) Music Composed and Performed by Chris ROE

SPITFIRE (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) Music Composed and Performed by Chris ROE Cd Digital & Cd Physical Label Plaza Mayor Company Ltd The Orchard SPITFIRE (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) Director David Fairhead, Ant Palmer Music Composed and Performed by Chris ROE Featuring English Session Orchestra Contracted by Dom Kelly Assistant Contractor Jojo Arvanitis Orchestral Leader Patrick Savage Piano/Organ Chris Roe Recorded at Angel Studios Recording Engineer - Jeremy Murphy Pro Tools Assistant - Scott Bradley Mixed and Mastered by John Davies  DDP created by David Jones at SONUS Audio Spitfire (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) on Itunes SPITFIRE is a cinematic, epic , sweeping tale of determination, vision and courage.  It is the story of an aircraft that was forged in competition, shaped as the war clouds gathered and refined in the white heat of combat – going on to become the most famous fighter air...

These Three Companies Benefit Most From the Success of ‘Dying to Survive’

These Three Companies Benefit Most From the Success of ‘Dying to Survive’ Currently, the Chinese film industry is abuzz with discussions about dark comedy  Dying to Survive,  due to the film’s box office success as well as its social significance. The film is backed by over 20 entertainment firms, and three of them are major backers. They are the film’s producer Dirty Monkey Films, its distributor Beijing Culture, and its online promoter Tao Piaopiao.  While all these three companies will receive huge commercial benefits, the film’s success is likely more rewarding for Dirty Monkey Films, as it further validates the company’s vision of cultivating the next generation of genre filmmakers. In 2016, Ning Hao’s Dirty Monkey Films launched its “72 Transformations Film Project,”  which entails selecting and supporting young filmmakers to make 48 genre films over a long period of time.  Dying to Survive  is the second film came from this project. The firs...

The Alex Hiele Paris Jazz Combo – Album “I Love Paris” A Cole Porter new vision

The Alex Hiele Paris Jazz Combo Album “I Love Paris” A Cole Porter new vision… Cd Digital & Cd Physical Label Plaza Mayor Company Ltd The Orchard The Alex Hiele Paris Jazz Combo on Itunes Alexandre Hiele Leader arranger and bassist of the group the Alex Hiele Paris Jazz Combo Alexandre Hiele is born in Paris and has participated in the scene of the Parisian Jazz of the years 90/2000 With Mina Agossi, Marley Chinnery, the Slang Collective, Bruno Angelini and also American musicians, Mark Turner, Georges Brown, Ronnie Paterson, Ted Curson and also Russian such as Alexei Aigues and Japanese, Ichiro Onoe, he regularly frequents the Jam sessions of the time, such as, the Studio of the Islettes, the Fallaises, the vault of the dungeon, the Petit Opportin, and plays in the Parisian clubs regularly, Sunset, Duc des Lombards, New morning, Franc Pineau, the 7 Lizardmen, then turns in Europe, in the states United States and Afr...

China Copyright Protection: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Plagiarism

How do you know when a copyright has been infringed? For years, this wasn’t even a question people asked in China because it was so obvious. The guys on the corner with carts full of bootleg CDs and DVDs, the illegal BitTorrents and download sites – all of them were wantonly and flagrantly engaging in copyright infringement. Indeed, infringement was their business model. If they weren’t offering copies of copyrighted works, nobody would be interested. Slowly but surely, though, China’s enforcement of copyright infringement has improved – in large part because large Chinese companies like Baidu and Alibaba and Tencent now control the rights to a great deal of content and  their  business models are based on people not getting such content for free somewhere else. The BAT companies have turned to Chinese agencies and courts to enforce their rights, evidenced by a concomitant surge in copyright-related litigation. We wrote about this last year in Copyright Protection in C...