
Showing posts from December, 2017

MUSICA SANCTA Best Chant from Jerusalem Monastery Les plus beaux chants monastiques de terre sainte

MUSICA SANCTA Best Chant from Jerusalem Monastery Les plus beaux chants monastiques de terre sainte -         Musica Sancta 1 – Saint Mark Syriak Convent Choir – Album “The Offering of the Apostles”   Musica Sancta Collection N. 1 on Itunes La petite communaute Syrienne Orthodoxe de Jerusalem peut a juste titre se vanter d'etre l'heritiere de l'Eglise des Apotres. Utilisant un dialecte arameen quasiment identique a celui que parlaient Jesus et ses disciples; ayant conserve, a travers deux millenaires d'epreuves, nombre d'elements judeo-chretiens, particulierement dans sa liturgie, cette eglise heroique nous renvoie l'image la plus fidele possible des premieres generations chretiennes. The small Syrian Orthodox community of Jerusalem may rightly claim to be the heir of the first Church of the Apostles. Using a dialect of Aramaic a...

China to Movie Theaters: We’ll Pay You to Show More Chinese Films

Last week, the Chinese film bureau announced a new domestic film incentive program. The exact details of the program have yet to be spelled out, but the gist is that starting January 1, 2018, Chinese movie theaters will receive financial rewards for showing more Chinese films. The rewards are based on a theater’s total box office receipts for the year and kick in if at least 55% of those receipts are for domestic films. Even bigger rewards kick in if the percentages exceed 60% and 66%, respectively. Theaters must submit box office information through the government’s internal system and cannot engage in box office fraud. The 55% mark may be difficult to attain. As of a few weeks ago, Chinese films had a market share of 52.4% for 2017, and that’s largely because of the enormous revenues from  Wolf Warrior 2 , the highest-grossing film in China’s history. During the first 6  months  of the year ( Wolf Warrior 2  opened on July 27), Chinese...