Stella, Ein Leben - Stella, une vie allemande - Stella, a life Ost

Stella, Ein Leben Stella, une vie allemande Stella, a life Original Motion Picture Soundtrack Director Kilian Riedhof Music by Peter Hinderthur Label Plaza Mayor Company Ltd · Inspired by the true story of Stella Goldschlag · France cinema 17 Jan · Germany cinema 25 Jan Tortured and threatened with deportation, the young German Jew Stella is forced into a fateful tragedy: She begins to track down fellow Jews in hiding. Stella Ost on Spotify Stella, a young German Jew, grows up in Berlin during the rule of the Nazi regime. She dreams of a career as a jazz singer, despite all the repressive measures. After she is forced to go into hiding with her parents in February 1943, her life turns into a culpable tragedy. Through a betrayal, she is caught by the Gestapo, tortured and becomes a “grabber”: to save herself and her parents fro...