Génération Kalach: La face cachée des cités (Bande Originale du Documentaire)

Génération Kalach: La face cachée des cités (Bande Originale du Documentaire) Realisateur : Jerome Pierrat Musique de Maximilien Mathevon Label Plaza Mayor Company Ltd The documentary "Generation Kalach: la face cachée des cités" looks at the new generations of gangsters and traffickers from the suburbs, very organized and more violent. The music, like the documentary, is dark and desperate, using twisted and distorted electronic tones, out of tune piano and all manner of synthetic textures. But sometimes a little glimmer of hope crosses it ... Generation Kalach Ost on Spotify The album is a "concept album", with a theme and three long suites, the last of which, Dronescape, intended as immersive, unfolds these textures for 20 minutes. Generation Kalach Ost on Soundcloud