
Showing posts from October, 2018

B.O.A.M – EP « Tuile de chevreuil »... Le chevreuil sort du bois...

B.O.A.M – Ep « Tuile de chevreuil » Label Plaza Mayor Company Ltd Distribution The Orchard BOAM - Ep "Tuile de chevreuil" BOAM est le résultat d’une collaboration hors du commun entre deux musiciens électroniques et un violoncelliste du conservatoire. Cette surprenante union donne lieu à la rencontre de deux univers très différents : des rhythmiques puissantes et entrainantes se mêlent à des atmosphères planantes, le tout sublimé par un violoncelle dont le répertoire est savamment maitrisé. Ce mélange aux allures oniriques, maîtrisé et équilibré à la perfection, tend à casser les clichés du genre actuel et à l'ouvrir vers de nouveaux horizons, nous plongeant en immersion dans un univers artistique original, riche et complexe. BOAM is the result of an unusual collaboration between two electronic musicians and a cellist of the conservatory. This surprising union gives rise to the meeting of two very different worlds: powerful rhytmic’s and c...

The Orchard makes play for independent artists with new global division under Tim Pithouse

The rise of independent artists continues to be big news in the music business – and The Orchard knows it better than most. The Sony-owned distribution and services company has worked in partnership with the likes of Korean superstars BTS and UK-based BRIT Award winner Jorja Smith in 2018 – who, in conjunction with their management houses, both release records without a traditional label. Now, The Orchard has responded to the increasing presence of independent acts with a new division headed up by Tim Pithouse. Maximilien Mathevon - Album "Sundown Chronicles" Pithouse joins The Orchard as Global Head of Artist & Label Services effective November 1, 2018 – moving over from his prior role as General Manager, International Marketing and Artist Development at Sony Music Australia. In practical terms, Pithouse will head up a division which, for an enhanced fee, will offer Orchard-affiliated independent artists and labels a more holistic set of global servic...


SARAH EDEN & YANIV TAUBENHOUSE TRIO Album “AILLEURS” Label Plaza Mayor Company Ltd Distribution Sergent Major Company Ltd - The Orchard En Concert exceptionnel au SUNSET SUNSIDE - PARIS le 17 Octobre 2018 Sarah Eden – vocal; Olivier Hutman – piano ; Gael Petrina – c.basse ; Pierre Mangeard – batterie Sarah Eden - Album "Ailleurs" on Spotify     Au soleil, à Harlem, dans le ventre d’un piano ou dans une banlieue de la mémoire, les histoires, les émotions et les mélodies s’échappent et s’animent dans la chaleur de la voix de Sarah Eden. Le pianiste Yaniv Taubenhouse révèle les couleurs de cet album par ses arrangements magnifiquement interprétés par son Trio New Yorkais. Arc-en-ciel fuyant, toujours plus loin , ailleurs..   In the sun, in Harlem, in the depth of a piano, or in a suburb of memory ,tales, emotions and melodies escape and come alive in the warmth of Sarah Eden's voi...

Warner and Sony buy $200m of shares in Tencent Music Entertainment ahead of streaming company’s US IPO

Tencent Music Entertainment’s IPO filing with the US Securities and Exchange Commission.  It hasn’t taken us long to spot the names of the major labels… attached to some big news.According to a note in the F-1 prospectus, both Warner Music Group and Sony Music Entertainment have acquired shares in TME, for an aggregate cash consideration of approximately $200m. In exchange for their money, the two parties have divided a total of 68,131,015 ordinary shares in TME between them. The $200m deal went down yesterday (October 1). Universal Music Group is not mentioned as a recipient of shares. Sarah Eden - Album "Bleu Nuit" on Spotify Under the agreements, shares held by Warner and certain shares held by Sony will be subject to a lock-up which will expire upon the earlier of the following: the third anniversary of the completion of the IPO of TME, or on October 1, 2021 –  subject to limited exceptions. The remaining shares held by Sony will be subject to a lock-up...