
Showing posts from May, 2018

REALITE (Pur et Sens) EP Split by Christina Goh, Nicole Cage, Imaniyé Dalila Daniel

REALITE (Pur et Sens) EP Split by Christina Goh, Nicole Cage, Imaniyé Dalila Daniel Label Plaza Mayor Company Ltd The Orchard   REALITE (Pur et Sens) EP on Itunes   French Trois performeuses, trois femmes de lettres, trois perspectives sur la notion de réalité en français, créole et anglais. Un opus différent par son approche épurée et littéraire de la musique. Christina Goh, vocaliste et poétesse reconnue à l’international pour ses concepts inédits, invite Imaniyé Dalila Daniel, chanteuse, dramaturge et auteure de bestseller en Martinique et Nicole Cage, chanteuse, éditrice et écrivaine multi primée. Le résultat : une œuvre multidimensionnelle où comptent la voix et le sens. English Three performers, three women of letters, three perspectives on the notion of reality in French, Creole and English. A different opus by its refined and literary approach to music. Christina Goh, vocalist and poet recognized with an international reputation for ...

New YouTube subscription music service will launch next week – but only in 5 markets

The new YouTube music subscription service – previously codenamed ‘Remix’ – has been confirmed and will launch in five markets next Tuesday (May 22). The audio-visual platform is actually relaunch of the YouTube Music brand, as an app and desktop player which offer “streaming service made for music with the magic of YouTube”. There is both an ad-supported free tier and a $9.99-per-month package called YouTube Music Premium.  Current Google Play Music subscribers will get a YouTube Music Premium membership thrown into their current deal, and have been reassured that “nothing will change”. “[If] you use Google Play Music,  — you’ll still be able to access all of your purchased music, uploads and playlists in Google Play Music just like always,” said Elias Roman, Product Manager – YouTube Music, in a blog post. In addition, YouTube has announced that will soon re-brand its premium subscription YouTube Red service as YouTube Premium, which will include...

LILLABOX - Album "Faidherbe Street" in Concert CANNES FILM FESTIVAL

  LILLABOX - Album "Faidherbe Street" in Concert CANNES FILM FESTIVAL 9, 10, 11, 12 - Plage des Palmes Lillabox is a guitar/cello instrumental duo founded in 2013 by Alex Hetzel and Mathieu Deranlot. Dynamic bows and inspired riffs allow them to explore and merge different influences, for a brand new style: "contemporary world music", in the borders of jazz, rock, and arab-andalusian music C'est une musique originale et é mouvante, fusionnelle et ouverte sur le monde, r é solument actuelle, que Lillabox nous offre pour un plaisir tout neuf. Leur musique inventive et passionn é e stimule l'imaginaire, nous entraîne dans des paysages sonores surprenants ... L' é nergie d é bordante et la cr é ativit é qui s'en d é gagent cr éé ent la surprise. LILLABOX - Album 'Faidherbe Street" on Itunes