OPERATION RED SEA (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) 紅海行動 (電影原聲帶) Director Dante Lam 林超贤 Original Music by Elliot Leung梁皓一

OPERATION RED SEA (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) 紅海行動 (電影原聲帶 ) Director Dante Lam 林超 贤 Original Music by Elliot Leung 梁皓 一 Plaza Mayor Company Ltd Operation Red Sea ( Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) on Itunes It is an incredible honor to compose the score of "Operation Red Sea." Throughout the process, I was able to work very closely with Director Dante Lam. Combined with his fresh perspectives and the state-of-the-art visuals, I was able to draw forth my best creative juices to enhance the cinematic experience. The beginning of my composing thought sequences always began with how the team of 8 special forces members worked together, putting their own egos aside to accomplish the same goal. While both action and plot were stunning, this film was more about the being intrinsically human and the fulfilment of one's calling to me. Easy to say, I wholeheartedly loved every minute of working with Director Lam. See you guys in the cinema...