LUCAS (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)



(Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)

Director Jessica Quiroz

Music by Mayra Lepró & Alejandro Karo

Label Plaza Mayor Company Ltd



Film Fest Tucson

Mexican Short Film Audience Award


Stop motion animations, dance and performance accompany the testimonies of different women from Sonora, Mexico, who share their experiences and thoughts on pleasure and sexuality. 

-Jessica Quiroz

Lucas Ost on Spotify


We were born in Sonora, a border state between the US and Mexico. Our state's regional music typically features the accordion as the main instrument. Jessica Quiroz, the director, told us she wanted to use the accordion in her short film to portray her roots through the music. This was interesting for us to explore because we had never used the accordion in our scores before. We experimented by using the accordion as a root instrument and sampling and converting it into synths. This allowed us to portray our culture through our own unique sound as composers.

-Mayra Lepró & Alejandro Karo

Lucas Ost on Apple Music


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